I had a conversation with Mr. Paul Murray who is a cousin of mine. He is back at his Dad's home in Mersing which is located on the south eastern coastline of Penisula Malaysia. I learned that his Dad is not in good health and that Paul has requested the Catholic Priest to administer the Last Rites for his Dad.
I know his Dad, Mr. Francis Murray. He married Fay Van Dort who is my Aunt. Theirs is a large family of over 10 children. Paul Murray will meet me soon to discuss old times and during which time I shall be able to get more data on his family to update the Genealogy Charts.
Mr. Francis Murray must be nearing 100 years old by now if not slightly past 100. He used to write me letters until it was no longer possible for him. I have driven to meet him in Mersing. Such a kind and soft spoken man who is a devout Catholic.
During his better health years Mr. Francis Murray never failed to invite me to join his family reunion for Christmas eve in Mersing. Unfortunately, I was never able to make the long journey to share the moment with him and his family.
I look forward now to meeting Mr. Paul Murray.
God speed to you Mr. Francis Murray in what ails your physical condition.
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